League of Infamy Incoming

League of Infamy Incoming

You might have noticed all the hubbub over at Mantic Games about League of Infamy. This game marks the second big collaboration between Needy Cat and Mantic, and is a cooperatish dungeon crawler turned on its head, where instead of the usual trope of playing a band of adventuring heroes, you take on the role of a bunch of no-good bad guys assaulting a series of Elven keeps! You need to work together for victory, but the League’s a competitive place, and if you find a few opportunities to benefit yourself at the cost of the others… well, they were mugs for not doing it first, right?

Finding Games Episode 6: John Mizon, South West Megagames

John Mizon runs South West Megagames, a full-time endeavour that aims to bring megagaming to the South-West of the UK (and sometimes beyond). Megagames are still a surprisingly niche hobby, which have started to see more mainstream appeal in the last few years after a Shut Up & Sit Down video brought many new eyes to the genre. These games are massive day-long experiences that blend roleplaying, board game-style mechanics, social gameplay and model-UN style simulation to a venue filled with anywhere from 30 to 300 players. Though the themes of games can range from sci-fi colony planets all the way to medieval courts, the unifying feature is simulating a massive, confusing crisis or conflict, and seeing how the existing structures and factions deal with the challenges of information and communication that the situation brings.

Coming soon: Meeple Force!

Coming soon: Meeple Force!

We’ve recently been chatting to old buddy Jon from Wartorn Games, who we know from the days when we were all retail managers in London for Games Workshop. We bumped into Jon at Salute back in April, where he was running demos of a game that’s going to be hitting Kickstarter towards the end of this month: Meeple Force! We were immediately intrigued. It looked like a right laugh, a dexterity-based battle game with chunky pieces and gloriously retro artwork. Even if it hadn’t been designed by someone we knew, we’d have been interested – as it was, we were dead keen to help Jon spread the word, and we soon arranged for him to come and run us a demo here at the office.