Finding Games Episode 13: Mike Belsole and Grace Kendall, the Tabletop Mentorship Program

Mike Belsole (he/him) and Grace Kendall (they/them) are the organizers of the Tabletop Mentorship Program. Both are avid game designers and have worked at many conventions, and now can be spotted working at a board game cafe in Ohio. Grace's game Celestial Stories came out from Inkwell Games this summer, and they have a co-designed riddle-filled party game in the publishing pipeline. Let’s hear what they have to say…

Finding Games Episode 12: Victoria Caña, Wizards of the Coast / Cat Quartet Games

By day, Victoria is a producer at Wizards of the Coast where she leads a team of game designers in the Magic R&D department. By night, she is an award-winning indie game designer and co-founder of Cat Quartet Games, a boutique publishing company that focuses on bringing fun, fast, and accessible games to the world. Victoria's first board game, Gladius, successfully raised over $96,000 on Kickstarter in March 2020.

Finding Games Episode 10: Ross Connell, More Games Please

Ross (aka More Games Please) is a freelance tabletop photographer and community manager for Alley Cat Games, and has been working in the industry since 2018. His photography has appeared in publications such as Tabletop Gaming magazine and Senet, as well as on countless websites, online stores, and Amazon. He has photographed board games raising over one million dollars on Kickstarter, but big or small he shows all titles the same love and attention. He can be found playing board games on his twice-weekly Twitch live streams, exploring the solo games in his collection, and has a passion for board game art interviewing over 50 artists and graphic designers in the tabletop industry on his website.

Results of the Feline and Wildlife Rescue Game Jam are in!

Over the past week and a half, Sophie and I have been spending our evenings playing through the fourteen print-and-play games that were submitted for the Game Jam we recently ran. For anyone who’s out of the loop, game jams are a concept that (as far as I’m aware) started out in the world of video games, where people rush to create a playable game in a challengingly short space of time. They’ve since become a staple of the tabletop gaming community, and we decided to set one up to raise some money for Feline and Wildlife Rescue Nottingham.

An Important Update about Robot Fight Club

So here's the big announcement: we're going to be cancelling this campaign today. Once again, thank you to everyone who's supported us. This has been a huge learning curve, and the lessons have been plentiful. This is not the end for Robot Fight Club - in fact, we've already started making some exciting progress towards a revamped version that we're sure you'll love! It'll be back before you know it.