We’ve been teasing you with sneak peeks and snippets of information about ‘Project BASH’ for a while now. We even released a set of downloadable playtest rules, but we’ve realised that we haven’t exactly told you what it is. It’s probably about time we did!
Some of our plucky playtesters giving Project BASH a thorough going over.
Project BASH is an arena combat game for two players, each of whom controls a pair of robots. The aim of the game is simple - take out just one of the opposing robots!
Each game starts with a Scrap Sale, where you’ll compete to pick the best combination of chassis, weapons, motive systems and cool equipment, spending a limited budget of Scrap tokens to equip your robots for the arena. Then the first bout begins!
Once you’re in the (randomly generated) arena, you’ll move and fight with one of your robots each turn by playing a Control Card from your hand. Each chassis has its own unique set of control cards, and you’ll make your deck for the match by shuffling the sets for your two robots together. Both players reveal their chosen Control Card simultaneously, meaning you have to guess your opponent’s plans - they’re probably going to attack with Juggernaut this turn, so maybe you should do something evasive… but have they got the right card in their hand? A cunning player will keep half an eye on the opponent’s discard pile and try to figure out what options they’ve got left before making their own choice.
Although the main aim of the bout is to win, you’ll also be trying to grab as many Scrap tokens as you can. Each time you damage another robot’s armour, it’ll drop scrap that you can hoover up as you move around. Scrap can be saved to buy more cool gear in the Refit step before the next Bout, letting you trade in and improve your upgrades so you’re more prepared the next time you step into the ring, or you can spend it to buy ‘cunning ruse’ cards to give you an advantage during the fight!
Each bout lasts about 20 minutes, and the overall winner is whoever wins two bouts - so a full game generally lasts between 45 minutes and an hour. Of course, if you want a longer session you can play first to three wins, or cut it down to a single bout if you want something quicker.
If you want to have a go at playing the current mechanical draft of the game, you can eitehr play online using tabletop simulator and/ or download a print a play version. All of the info you need can be found by clicking HERE!
You can also Sign Up to our Newsletter for more updates on Project BASH - keep an eye out for another preview coming soon…
Our current prototype. There will be proper cover art and layout of course, but we think it’s looks pretty snazzy already!