
So who wants some exposure?

So who wants some exposure?

This morning, I woke up to a bit of a, er, kerfuffle on Facebook. For anyone who didn’t see it, a UK games convention posted up a callout for a graphic designer to do some work for a local board games cafe, reworking their branding, menus, adverts and possibly even logo.

Then the second paragraph started with the dreaded words “Unfortunately, the budget is zero”.

Design Diary: Feedback Fun Times!

Design Diary: Feedback Fun Times!

I saw a post on the Hellboy Fanatics Facebook group earlier today, asking about development of the game, and I realised that I've been completely schtum for way too long. People are rather understandably starting to wonder if I've dropped off the face of the earth, or burrowed under my desk to hide from the deadlines or something. 

Podcasts and Self-Confidence

Podcasts and Self-Confidence

When I’m in the car by myself, I listen to podcasts. I’ve got a few favourites (I’ll chuck some links below for anyone who’s interested!) with the Adam Buxton podcast hanging around somewhere near the top of the list. I love a bit of Buckles; he always seems to have genuinely interesting conversations with his guests, and he tends to get a lot of people on the show who you don’t hear anywhere else.